Our Values
Our job is to listen to our constituents and be their champions at City Hall.
We value above all else our ability to be of service to our constituents. We resolve issues with speed and acumen, we celebrate our community, and we make strategic investments wherever possible.
We believe in the Golden Rule – Treat whom we deal with as we would like to be treated ourselves.
We believe integrity matters. We are honest, we honor our commitments, we are consistent and fair.
Our Mission
By bringing people together and focusing on building relationships, we will create a cohesive and healthy community in District 4 providing a sense of place for our residents where affordable housing, clean and safe neighborhoods, and economic development thrive.
I want to make District 4 a place everyone can be proud to call home. You can reach me at (408) 535-4904 or email me at district4@sanjoseca.gov. You can also subscribe to our Newsletter for regular updates.
With neighborly regards,
David Cohen
Councilmember, District 4